Free Bingo Caller

The best way to call out random numbers

Forget the noisy old bingo cage with numbered balls. You can now have your own bingo caller in your web browser, and display the flashboard in another screen. By default, the caller will have 75 random numbers.

free bingo caller

You will not lose your draws if you refresh the page. You can make random draws, or select the numbers by yourself in the table. Keep going until a player gets a winning pattern. Confirm the valid squares with the table, give a prize to the winner.

bingo cards ready to print

Print and cut the numbers:

If you want to make the draws, but you don’t have a bingo cage, you can use cutout numbers. The call sheets available on this website can be used to play bingo with 75 or 90 numbers. Print the list of numbers, cut on dotted lines and make the random draws for the bingo game.

Numbers from 1 to 75

list of numbers from 1 to 75
Numbers from 1 to 90

list of numbers from 1 to 90

How does it work?

First, select how many random numbers you want to have in your caller (a standard game has 75 or 90 numbers). Once you are ready to activate the caller, click “Start the caller”. You can display the flashboard to players by clicking on “Open the board in an external window”. You can display the board in another screen to players by dragging the window.

free bingo caller

When you are ready to start, click “Make a draw”. You can also make automatic draws by clicking on “Start” and “Stop”. You can also select the wait time between draws in seconds by clicking on the number (5 seconds is the default setting). If you want to make the draws with a bingo cage, and use the caller as a flashboard to display the draws to players, click “Manual selection of the draws”. Once this function is activated, click ok the numbers yourself in the table to mark them as played. You can reset the caller by clicking on “Start a new game”. If you want to modify how many numbers you have in the caller, click “Close the caller”.

Join A Game

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